
Showing posts from August, 2018

NFS-TexEd v1.0 beta Released

New NFS-TexEd version is available! Replaced ads

NFS Carbon - Rockport 1.0 Released


NFS-ModManager v1.0 Released

NFS-ModManager - it's a tool that allows to manage mods in very easy way. The main feature is to load mods from subfolder instead of direct modification of game files. Usage: First thing that needs to be done is initial configuration. By using the Add button you can populate games you want to manage. Game will be automatically selected. The Remove button will delete selected game from the list. When the game folder won't contain any mods default entry will be displayed as follows: You can notice that the text is a hyperlink, it means that you can click on it to open the MODS folder. Mod installation is very simple - to install the mod you have to just copy mod folder into the MODS subfolder, for example 'installed' Rockport v1.0 will look like this: When the mod is copied just go back to the tool. Mod list will be automatically reloaded so the Rockport v1.0 mod will be visible instead of the default entry. That's all. The mod is installed and ...